La Cana

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A run at skate park !

lundi 27 juin 2016, par DAVID LAFORGE

The Skatepark, located at the junction of the Parc Paysager and the Waterfront, offers a complete practice space for all disciplines and is adapted to different levels of practice.
It is both a sporting facility and a public space. It consists of three parts : a "bowl" part ; which is the refurbishment of empty swimming pools, from which modern skateboarding was born in the 1960s ; A "ditch" part ; retention basins with inclined planes ; Finally, a "street" part ; that expands in ribbons and enlaces the two previous parts by joining them along a linear practice run, punctuated by walls, tables, metal tubes for sliding, pallets and other wheeling facilities...
Among the remarkable aspects of this 1000 m2 facility, is the "full pipe" (a complete tube) which enables the execution of amazing figures. This aspect is unique in France and contributes just a little more to the singular nature of the place.

This project came together as a concerted effort : elected representatives, technicians, members of the Front de mer / Gavy / Océanis district councils, users, associations ... all participated in the success of this open space that meets the needs of young people and new sports and recreation practices, in particular regarding the various urban skating activities.
This project cost the town € 500,000.


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